Rájec nad Svitavou castle
Rájec castle grew on an original site of a fortress from the 16 th century. It was rebuilt in a rennaissance style. The original owners were Drnovský family from Drnovce from 1464, later on from 1667 the castle was owned by Roggendorf family. Still later the castle was bought by the Salm family who had a new neoclassical residence built in French style. It is inspired by the age of Louis XVI. and is kept in this style till today. One of the largest castle libraries in Moravia located here is also worth mentioning. Castle garden centre specializes in growing camelias and it has up to 150 kinds.
Rájec-Jestřebí, Blanenská 1, tel.: +420 516 432 013
e-mail: rajec@npu.cz, www.zamekrajec.cz |
Viewtower Podvrší u Veselice
The original viewtower was probably built some time around the 1920s and it helped with geodesist works. It was removed in 1947. The contemporary modern communication tower was built in August 2001. The clerestory on the top rewards a visitor with a view of the whole nature resort of the Moravian Karst and even further.
tel: +420 516 435 414, +420 736 239 629
e-mail: info@rozhledna-veselice.cz, www.rozhledna-veselice.cz |
Wooden church in Blansko
The church originates in the village of Nižné Seliště in Subcarpathian Russia. It dates back to the years 1601-1641. After a stone Church was built in the 20th century this original wooden church dilapidated. When Czechoslovakia came to existence in 1918 it was chosen by the National Heritage Office as a cultural landmark. The church was bought and removed from its original site to Blansko by The Czechoslovak Church (now with the adjective hussite) in 1936 and is owned by this church till today. The original decorations were preserved and restored lately.
Blansko, Rodkovského 7, tel: +420 515 157 087, +420 606 702 768
e-mail: h.ladicova@tiscali.cz, www.drevenykostelik.cz |
Blansko castle
The rennaissance building of Blansko castle stands on the site of the original feoff barnyard built on the Blansko manor. It was a part of feoff of bishops of the Olomouc city and it was rented to the lieges mostly of Czech and Moravian aristocracy for centurie. Nowadays, the castle is the residence of the City Museum with many interesting exhibitions. Here we can see a short summary of the settlement process in this area among other things.
Blansko, Zámek 1, tel.: +420 516 417 221
e-mail: muzeum@blansko.cz, www.muzeum-blansko.cz |
Macocha abyss
The Macocha abyss is more than 138 meters deep. It is the largest abyss in central Europe. It was created by a major downfall of a large cave ceiling therefore its bottom is parly covered by detritus. The river Punkva runs through the bottom of the abyss and it fills two lakes. The upper lake is about 13 metres deep and can be seen from above. The lower lake on the contrary can´t be seen as it is hidden by rocks. It is more than 49 metres deep. The abyss is a part of the system of Punkva caves discovered and investigated on a large scale by a karst explorer Karel Absolon.
Blansko - Skalní mlýn, tel.: +420 516 413 575, +420 516 410 024
e-mail: info@caves.cz, www.cavemk.cz |
The caves of Moravian Karst
The Moravian Karst is a favourite tourist destination thanks to its many beautiful accessible caves. The most favoured ones are Punkva caves which are opened all year round. The visitors admire them for a chance to be taken all the way to the bottom of the Macocha abyss and also for being taken on a boat ride in the underground part of the Punkva river. Another cave with a very rich and its speleothem decoration is Balcarka cave. Kateřinská cave is also well worth visiting, together wth a complex of Sloupsko-šošůvské caves or a Výpustek cave.
Blansko - Skalní mlýn, tel.: +420 516 413 575, +420 516 410 024
e-mail: info@caves.cz, www.cavemk.cz |
Lysice castle
A baroque building built on a place of a reannassiance water fortress stands out for its brilliant and richly furnished interiors. They introduce a lifestyle of a significant count family of Dubský from Třebomyslice to the visitors. Rich collections gathered mainly in the 19th century consist first and foremost of furniture, glass, porcelain, paintings, also a precious collection of guns, two bookcases, souvenirs from the Orient and a remarcable collection of historical shooting targets. From June till September the visitor can see a unique castle garden with a spa colonade.
Lysice, Zámecká 1, tel: +420 516 472 235
e-mail: lysice@npu.cz, www.zameklysice.cz |
Wind mill Rudice
The wind mill is situated on a hight Tumperk in southeast part of Rudice village. It is of a Dutch origin. The entrance hall is dedicated to the history of wind mills, the first floor offers a collection of precious stones from Rudice from Alfons Matuška private collection. The second floor is dedicated to speleology as its roots are connected closely to this region. It the close neighbourhood of the wind mill there is a geopark containing samples from the Moravian Karst and around.
Rudice č.p. 5, tel: +420 603 803 435
e-mail: obec@rudice.cz, www.rudice.cz |
Church of the Name of Virgin Mary (Křtiny)
Křtiny are our oldest pilgrim towns where – accordning to the legend – the saints Cyril and Metoděj christened others. Another tradition talks of revelation of Virgin Mary of Křtiny in 1210 in the nearby village of Bukovinka. The Pope bulla from 1237 is the first written note about the church.
The village Křtiny used to be the most flourishing town in the 17th and 18th centuries when the baroque shrine was built according to the project of the architect Jan Blažej Santini Aichel. At that time Křtiny became the centre of the spiritual renovation of the whole Moravia.
Křtiny 75, 679 05, tel: +420 516 439 189, +420 736 529 221
e-mail: penaz.vm@seznam.cz, www.krtiny.santini.cz |